About Nicole
Go on. Enjoy the splendor of the outdoors. I got this.
Before we make beautiful content together, you should know who I am.
Why is this important? Because it makes me a rare commodity you can leverage for success.
My human behavior expertise allows me to slip inside people’s minds and nurture their desires.
My reverence for data enables me to maximize proven optimization and conversion metrics.
My experience writing for academia gives me exceptional control over language and grammar.
My philosophy expertise gives me a panoramic view, cultivating innovative solutions.
I’ve contributed meaningful content from every angle of the outdoor industry.
Since devoting myself to the outdoor industry, I've:
Guided backcountry trips all over the west.
Produced photographs hanging on gallery walls.
Discussed important issues at industry conferences.
Established scholarships for budding adventurers.
Trained successful athletes and competitors.
Led educational and gear workshops.
Built outdoor brands from the ground up.
Written award-winning articles.